From Scrap Tires to Fuel
Asian Rubber is the market leader in Tire-derived fuel in UAE for the last many years.
Tire-derived fuel (TDF) is a proven technology that has been used in the U.S. for around 30 years. It is safe and widely recognized, including by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association as a viable option for reducing tires in landfills. Additionally, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed TDF standards in 2001, providing an industry-accepted strategy and acknowledging the importance of its proven and continuous use.
Many global markets have used this technology for more than 25 years as well, with many governments conducting environmental studies validating the benefits of TDF. For instance, in 2017, the Australian Tyre Recyclers Association (ATRA) published a report titled “Carbon Value Proposition, Resource Recovery using Tyre Derived Fuels” noting lower emissions from the use of TDF.
High temperatures achieve complete disintegration of scrap tires.
Mineral components are incorporated into the new product and kept out of the air.
TDF is highly regulated by most state environmental protection agencies.
Benefits of Tire-Derived Fuel
saves millions of tires from landfills in a safe and environmentally responsible way
keeps unsafe, reused tires off the road and out of the market
produces the same or more energy as other fuels due to its high heat value
leaves no leftover residue to be landfilled
can reduce emissions from CO2, sulfur and nitrogen
is a proven and widely recognized technology regulated by many states
But how does this technology work?

Tires from every vehicle will eventually wear out.

Scrap and whole tires have a high heat value and can be used as fuel.

After tires are gathered, a conveyor feeds them into a kiln.

Temperatures up to 2000°C ensure the tires quickly and completely disintegrate.

The recovered energy creates fuel to power a kiln or plant.